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Low Pay Commission

National Living Wage

In Hartlepool, there are problems the minimum wage can't fix

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Town Wall, Hartlepool, Durham, England. Dating from the late 14th century the limestone wall once enclosed the whole of the medieval town. The terraced houses overlook the entrance to Victoria Docks in the background.

On the train out of Kings Cross, I’m reading the briefing that accompanies us on all site visits. Expertly prepared by the secretariat, it leaves no economic stone unturned. But as I head towards the north east, my feeling of …

Effects of the minimum wage on employment and automation - LPC publishes new commissioned research

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Every year the LPC commissions research projects to help evaluate the effects of the minimum wage rates we have recommended. The reports summarised below informed our 2018 Report. The two ongoing projects (ISER and IES) will continue to add to …

Why aren’t we seeing more National Living Wage workers?

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LPC economist Anthony Lord uses analysis from our 2018 report to answer the question: “Why aren’t we seeing more National Living Wage workers?” The report was published on 27 November and is available here. The background The introduction of the …

Low Pay Commissioners visit the 'city of a thousand trades'

Commissioners Clare Chapman, Kay Carberry, Kate Bell and Martin McTague visited Birmingham last week to gather evidence on the effects of the National Living Wage and Minimum Wage. Here Clare and Kay share their reflections on what they heard. Wikipedia …

Commissioner Sarah Brown reports on LPC visit to Newry, NI

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Commissioner Professor Sarah Brown visited Newry with members of the LPC's secretariat as part of our annual programme of visits around the UK. They heard evidence from both local businesses and workers.  Licence: Creative Commons Attribution In June the Low Pay …