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Low Pay Commission

A tale of two (similar) cities: the impact of the minimum wage on retail and hospitality in Sheffield and Manchester

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Compliance and enforcement, National Living Wage, Research

How have employers in the retail and hospitality sectors responded to the National Living Wage (NLW)? Last year researchers from Sheffield University Management School's Centre for Decent Work (Dragoș Adăscălitei, Gareth Crockett, Jason Heyes, Kirsty Newsome and Edward Yates) conducted …

Coming soon to a town near you…: the LPC visit programme 2020

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Evidence and Consultation, National Living Wage
Map of of 2020 visit locations

UPDATE - 17 March 2020 In view of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, and the recent advice to avoid all non-essential travel, we are suspending the Low Pay Commission’s programme of visits for 2020. Getting direct evidence on the state of …

The National Living Wage, inequality and job progression: two research projects

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: National Living Wage

Does the minimum wage have an impact on wage inequality? Do increases in the minimum wage help or hinder people moving into better-paid jobs? These were the questions posed by a major, two-part research project which the LPC published in …